Wars and rumors of wars, economic troubles, end times prophecy? If we are paying attention, we know that the times we are facing in the years to come are guaranteed to be tumultuous, wrought with difficulty, also some incredible miracles, but definitely change on a scale the likes of which we have never seen. How do you raise a remnant who is prepared for what they will face in their lifetime? How do you train them and give them what they will need to stand strong in uncertain times? If you have ever asked these questions, this episode is for you. I feel like the Lord has been talking to me about some keys that will help our children traverse the years ahead, and I want to share them with you.
The word discern is a translation of the Greek word anakrino in the New Testament. It means “to distinguish, to separate out by diligent search, to examine.” Discernment is the ability to properly discriminate or make determinations.
The times and seasons we find ourselves in at home, nationwide and globally, is going to require incredible discernment from our kids. No, we can't keep them from never making a mistake or missing some important queue, but we can help them grow in their ability to discern WELL and be wise. Today I want to talk about practical ways to help your child grow in this area.
Anyone who is a parent, has "been there, done that, got the t-shirt" of our kids hiding something from us. Whether they hide something big, something embarrassing, or something small, every parent will traverse this issue at some point in their parenting journey. If we are going to raise a remnant, we have to help our kids get to the root of WHY we want to hide from the very people who love us most. Today, I want to discuss some deep revelation the Lord has given me in regard to this topic. It hit me like a ton of bricks and I felt like I HAD to share it with all of you!
I have often said that the rules we make should mirror the relationship we want our kids to have with God, others, and themselves. In this episode, I want to take that a step further and talk about how we use guidelines as a way to teach our children to steward the freedom that is their birthright in Christ. Let me say that again, "freedom is a birthright". And learning to walk in that freedom is an incredibly important part of being a REMNANT.
In today's episode, I want to flip the script on how we present change, transition, and challenges to our children. I want to share how God has taught our family to navigate these things AS A UNIT! As parents, there is often pressure to shield our kids from hard things. But I believe that not only sells them short but also teaches them to sell God short. Let's talk about letting them into our pain and hardship in a way that teaches them who God is and gives our children the ability to see themselves as valued members of our families and the Kingdom of Heaven.
I am SOOO Excited for this episode! Today I am joined by a very good friend of mine, Shelbi Micken. As a former children's pastor and the owner of Awaken International Inc, a non-profit organization that exists to Awaken children to their true calling in Christ, Shelbi has some amazing wisdom to share about creating space for our children to encounter God. I believe that we, as parents, have a calling to help equip our "remnant" by training them to encounter God and learn to hear His voice personally and corporately within our homes and beyond.
In this 2-part series, we are covering FRESH strategies to carry our families into FRESH encounters with God and victory over culture in our current global landscape. I hope these strategies may help equip you and your families to press in deeper to the adventure of pursuing Him beyond your comfort zone. For it is there we truly get to experience the joy of being His remnant.
This episode is a bit different than the others. The Lord was talking to me through a dream, and I wanted to share it with you. I believe there is a corporate move of the Holy Spirit to let a NEW thing spring forth through this remnant generation for the Body of Christ, in our homes, our systems, and the nations we find ourselves a part of.
In order to raise a remnant, we cannot pray soulish, fleshly prayers for our kids. In this episode, I want to talk about prayer in light of stewarding our children. Ultimately, we want His will to be done in their lives. So, how do we pray? What do we pray? How do we partner with the Holy Spirit to raise remnant warriors through prayer? All this and more in this 3-part series on stewarding prayer.
In order to raise a remnant, we cannot pray soulish, fleshly prayers for our kids. In this episode, I want to talk about prayer in light of stewarding our children. Ultimately, we want His will to be done in their lives. So, how do we pray? What do we pray? How do we partner with the Holy Spirit to raise remnant warriors through prayer? All this and more in this 3-part series on stewarding prayer.
In order to raise a remnant, we cannot pray soulish, fleshly prayers for our kids. In this episode, I want to talk about prayer in light of stewarding our children. Ultimately, we want His will to be done in their lives. So, how do we pray? What do we pray? How do we partner with the Holy Spirit to raise remnant warriors through prayer? All this and more in this 3-part series on stewarding prayer.
We need FRESH strategies when it comes to parenting our kids in the current landscape of our world and our culture. I hope these strategies may help equip you and your families to press in deeper to the adventure of pursuing Him beyond your comfort zone. For it is there we truly get to experience the joy of being His remnant.
I truly believe that to raise a remnant, you must be a remnant. I want to share portions of my own journey with you, how God met me as a young girl and gave me the ability to see in the spirit. I believe that the remnant is in itself a difficult calling, but it is also exciting to be set apart with the Lord. It is a journey done best walking beside the love of a perfect Father who can traverse even the most difficult paths
We are continuing our discussion on discipline. How do we discipline as a means toward stewarding relationship? Having His vision, will help us to raise a remnant who knows God, knows themselves, and can be in a healthy relationship with others as well.
The root word of discipline is disciple. A disciple is someone who is learning and growing and has a dynamic relationship with the one in authority. Are we creating obedient followers or world-changing disciples? In this episode, we are going to take a good, hard look at our vision for disciplining our kids. Does our approach to discipline match the characteristics of a true remnant?
Whether we realize it or not, there is a story we tell ourselves. And, let's be honest, that story needs an overhaul. It can't be the same story our parents', parents', parent's told. Often this narrative is given to us from sources we don't even count as authorities on the subject, i.e. people, family, things, organizations, or culture. If we are going to raise a remnant, we must adopt a remnant narrative and reject all other messages. In this episode, I want to give us permission to examine this concept as it relates to raising THE remnant.
Welcome to "Raising the Remnant". My name is Whitney Stadtman. I am a mom, a follower of Jesus, a wife, speaker, and daughter of God. I believe we are living in unprecedented times in our world. I believe these times call for an unprecedented and supernatural approach to raising our children. I want to take a minute and introduce myself, this podcast, and the 'WHY' behind "Raising the Remnant".