Your financial support and generosity makes the mission of Branded Gen possible. Help us brand this generation of young men and women with a purpose for victory, power, truth, and love in the name of Jesus Christ. With your support, we can help this generation build, create, and rise up to influence our culture through Kingdom ideas, products, and businesses with their unique identity in Jesus. Our voices are louder together.
You can also give directly to Branded Gen at the following address:
Branded Gen Inc.
2900 N. Government Way #313
Coeur d’Alene, ID 83815
Disclaimer: We DO NOT identify as a 501(c)3. Therefore, your gift is NOT tax-deductible. If the value of the gift exceeds $15,000.00/year, you may be subject to a gift tax.
If you have specific questions, please feel free to contact us directly.