
As I was spending time with the Lord recently, I heard Him say “IT’S MOLTING SEASON”.  To Molt: to shed old feathers, hair, or skin, or an old shell, to make way for a NEW growth.  This is a regular feature in an animal’s life cycle, but it is not a term I have heard over myself or any person before.  As I began to sit with the Lord and ask Him what that meant for me, I felt like it could be a word for many of you right now in this generation.  Did you know that when Chickens molt, they must have a very specific and high-quality food, because it requires such a high amount of energy?  Losing feathers during molting season happens in a very specific sequence, and when new feathers begin to grow, they will grow in following the same sequence in which they were lost.  This process of re-growth can be very painful, and most chickens do not like to be touched or held at all during the molting process.  This is because newly formed feathers have a vein filled shaft that will bleed if injured or cut.  These new pinfeathers are very sensitive when touched.

As I asked the Lord why this was so important, He began to show me that many of you have been in a process of molting.  You are losing things that were old.  And this process can and has been painful at times.  Give yourself permission to process those painful places with the Lord God Most High.   We cannot live in the abundance of the new, until we shed the old.  This molting process is happening in a very specific sequence, which may make you feel out of control and worry filled.  But I am here to encourage you that for every place you experience loss, God has something new ready to come in and fill those vacant places in perfect timing and sequence.  Make sure that you are keeping a close eye on what it is that you are digesting; emotionally, physically, and spiritually.  You must make sure that the Spiritual and emotional “diet” you are consuming is of the highest nutritional quality.  And, you may need to understand that in this season it is ok for the relationships around you to change.  You may be more sensitive than normal to things which are taking place or people who are in your lives.  Do not be dismayed, take heart and take this time to spend time alone with your Creator.  The new sensitivity you are experiencing is bringing with it new growth.  Do not resist it.  Give yourself permission to undergo the molting process.  It will expose you.  It will leave you feeling a little bit more vulnerable than usual, but it will give way to glorious new growth.