
For months now, I have been having dreams where I am getting married.  This has always seemed odd to me given the fact that I am already very happily married.  Each dream seemed to have the same themes.  I knew the bridegroom and could not wait to be his bride.  I looked different than I do now, as if all my blemishes and short comings had just been eliminated.  The most perfect dress fit right in all the right places.  I looked the same…but…different.  Like it was me, but not the me which I see in the world today.  It was like I was better, more beautiful, perfect even. 

In every single dream, I never see the bridegroom’s face.  But I know his voice.  I know the way he walks.  I even know the way his feet sound when they walk.  But I never see his face and I never actually get married.  I am only preparing for the wedding.  I would wake up with the feeling of deep, deep love washing over me in waves.  I was beautiful.  I was desired.  And, I was to be married to a man who I knew would love me and cherish me all the days of my life.  Again, only odd because I am already married to a man who I think is amazing.  But this groom, this bride, seemed different.   So, I just wrote the dreams down or recorded them somewhere and put them aside to be unpacked with the Lord.

About a week ago, I woke up in the weirdest way.  I woke up with a word repeating over and over inside my head. the Lord woke me up with one, single word repeating over and over inside my head.  I usually remember my dreams, and the weird thing about this word was that I did not have a dream at all that would have provoked this word to be in my head or my heart.  But still, I kept hearing it repeated….  “EROS”, “EROS”, “EROS”, “EROS”. What did that possibly have to do with anything the Lord wanted to say over this generation in this moment?  What did it even mean for me, forget everyone else?

  As I prayed into this word along with my very dear friends and prayer warriors, I began to hear the Lord Say…IT IS TIME THIS GENERATION HEARS AND FEELS THE PROCLAMATION OF MY EROS LOVE FOR THEM.

               EROS is a Greek word used to describe a certain type of love.  This word can be applied to sexual love.  But it can also mean DESIRE.  As in, to be the object of desire.   Just like in my dreams, where I felt this perfect, overwhelming love from a man whose face I had never seen, I began to understand that the man in my dreams was Jesus himself.  Don’t look so shocked!  Should it surprise us that God desires us.  We are called his BRIDE after all. (see Revelation 21:9).  It’s only in our oversexed culture that we see EROS love as being as far away from God as we can get.  But, I don’t think God was talking about that when He gave me these visions and told me this word.  He was speaking of His unabashed, unashamed, completely biased desire for you. 

               You are the object of His desire.  As we are living in a world where things are uncertain and almost everything, we normally use to fill our time with is either closed or altered, I kept hearing Him heralding HIS overwhelming desire for you.  Maybe everything is closed down right now, so that we can just focus on being completely, only HIS.  What if this moment we are living in is like a honeymoon between us as the bride of Christ and Him as our bridegroom, and we are missing it because we want to get back to life as usual.  Life is not going back to its usual pace.  Wherever this leads, it won’t lead backwards.  Whatever is transpiring in our world has changed its landscape forever.

               I feel like this is the new wineskin everyone has been talking about.  This is the place where we get to be His and His alone.  In fact, I hear Him saying that both He and you need this time together.  We can’t let go of what was WHILE also moving into what comes next, if we don’t spend this time with Him.  He is looking for a bride who is consecrated to Him in this hour.  We are not supposed to share this time with Him with anyone else.  This is a season for Him and for you and for your relationship to grow as the object of both His desire and affection.  Be in the honeymoon suite with Jesus.